The EarthSeed Network
Local Indigenous Solidarity on the Global Stage
I am so hopeful to introduce you to the RED CLOUD WATER PROTECTORS!
This is the pilot project of the EarthSeed Indigenous Solidarity Project- where Water Protectors will be supported through their organic relationships with Indigneous Land Project Leaders- who in turn we hope will be supported by You!!
(note- "Lakota Solar" is Henry Red Cloud's for profit solar business, due to Arbor's mistake that's the name of the domain, but your money will go to the non-profit division, Red Cloud Renewable Energy Center)
And, once the Line 3 Black Snake is dead, We Water Protectors will bring our new homes- the shelter and living systems that we will build with our sweat, "Minnesota"'s regeneratively harvested trees, and Your support-
- back to their owner's (in my case, Henry Red Cloud's "Red Cloud Renewable Energy Center" non-profit) and continue the work of building a post-imperial/colonial world.
Building from the Lessons learned from the NO DAPL encampment;
Water Protectors (Arbor) and Indigenous leaders (Henry Red Cloud) have come together to create a sponsorship model that can Stop! the Line 3 Black Snake, and roll over into the foundation for the regenerative coop economy of abundance.
For more details on the EarthSeed Water protectors, the larger strategy, and the nuts and bolts of off-grid living systems, see here:
Our Mission
Empower and Amplify the Frontlines
So this section will share my (arbor's) personal on-the-ground experience of the Line 3 Water Protection- once i get out to Minnesota (~July 23rd)
About Us
About the Author:
Alex"arbor" Briggs is a settler- ally social/ecological /mechanical engineer and general contractor who has been organizing towards an ecocentric system for over a decade, successfully being a part of two Tar Sands pipeline blockages, and two FRACKing bans- as well as countless failures.
For more stories and lessons from zeir past, reach out at ajhbriggs@gmail.com- or for fastest response text 207 233 9078
Decent Designs is Alex' not-yet-legally-existent Consulting Engineering company
Decent Designs:
Energy is eternal delight- it is also the foundation of every society. Fruit follows root, and our world is corrupted by the concentrated power of Oil and other fossil fuels. No entertainment can cover its hollow core, and it will collapse one day if we do not replace it first.
For 5000 years humanity has been on a course of abstraction and separation from nature. The ancient Indians brought us 0, Newton brought us Calculus, and with them we conquered nature- while pretending ourselves separate from it.
It is time to break the cycle of violence- against the earth and all its communities.
Decent Designs exists to steer us down on a course of re-integration- to design and build a foundation for a free world by decentralizing power and thereby decolonizing communities.
clients across various sectors with practical engineering services.
See some of Arbor's other designs
We come up with innovative engineering solutions across a variety of industries-
stepping outside the boxes built to divide and baffle us Decent Designs leverages radical empowerment to give people the tools to fix their own Lives,
and Protect Their Local Water!
Functional Design
Solid Waste Management

High Performance
Wetland Creation

Safe & Stable
Water Treatment

A History of Greatness: the West from Aristotle to Alexander to Hitler, and- Finally!- beyond
Where We Come from
This will take time to do well- I'll make a timeline across all cultures for the past 4000 years... I have a rough table of contents worked out and will get it up here soon.. hoefully wihtin the week.. (by 7-19) but the section will be under construction for a while, so please get in touch with interest/support/questions/feedback